Accreditation Fee Schedule |
Incorporates all changes approved by the Board of Director on November 27, 2015
Article 1 |
The Accreditation Council, hereafter called the Council, has enacted the Accreditation Fee Schedule in accordance of Article 8 of the Policies for Accreditation of Programs. |
Article 2 |
There are three types of accreditation fees: “Registration Fee”, “Review and On-site Visit Fee”, and “Annual Accreditation Maintenance Fee. For interim review, the Council shall not charge additional registration and review and on-site visit Fees. |
Article 3 |
The registration fee and the annual maintenance fee will be charged by department whereas the review and on-site visit fee will be charged by the number of programs under the same department. Program that applies for accreditation in different year from the other programs under the same department may be charged for additional fees. |
Article 4 |
Accreditation fee shall be received in New Taiwan dollars. Please note that all local transfer fees are to be paid by the sender. The fee rate is stated in the schedule of fees. |
Article 5 |
Accreditation Fee shall be paid before the deadline. One percent penalty on the total fees will be added for delays every 7 days. |
Article 6 |
Methods of payment:
Check: address to Institute of Engineering Education Taiwan
Chunghwa Post transfer, account: 19813409, payment to: Institute of Engineering Education Taiwan
Bank transfer, account: 154-10-000272-0, payment to: Institute of Engineering Education Taiwan, Hua Nan Commercial Bank, Ltd. Tai Ta Branch. |
Article 7 |
For cancellation of accreditation within 7 days of payment, 50% of the accreditation fees will be refunded. No refund will be made beyond the 7th days. |
Article 8 |
Accredited program is required to pay annual accreditation maintenance fee according to the length of accredited period. IEET reserves the right to withdraw the accredited status if payment is not made in due time. |
Article 9 |
Program within the accredited status wishes to register for a change in accreditation criteria will be subject to a documentation review and NT $50,000 fee. |
Article 10 |
Program maintaining multiple accreditation status will be required to pay annual accreditation maintenance fee in full according to the length of accredited status. |
Article 11 |
Program applies for an appeal shall pay an appeal fee of NT $100,000. |
Article 12 |
Program applies for re-issuing the accreditation certificate shall pay a fee of NT $10,000. Certificate will only be reissued once per accredited period. |
Article 13 |
If necessary, program can apply with the Council for a no interest installment payment plan for the accreditation fees (registration fee excluded.) All fees are to be paid by the end of the accreditation cycle. |
Article 14 |
Any fee not covered by the above procedures, the Council will refer to the Policies for Accreditation of Programs for ruling. |
Article 15 |
Any revisions of this schedule shall be published on the IEET website. The Council will invoice program with attachment of revised fee schedule. |
Article 16 |
This document and any revisions thereto shall be approved by the Council and promulgated for implementation by the Council Chair. |