Procedures for Nomination



Procedures for Nomination of Accreditation Team Members
Incorporates all changes approved by the Accreditation Council on November 12, 2016
     Article 1
In accordance with Article 8 of the Accreditation Council Bylaws and Article 4.1 of the Procedures for Accreditation of Programs, the Accreditation Council, hereafter called the Council, has formulated the Procedures for Nomination of Accreditation Team Members for the purpose of regulating the qualification and the responsibility of the accreditation team convener, chair, and program evaluator.
     Article 2
Program evaluator must attend at least one IEET program evaluator training workshop. In addition, one of the following qualifications applies depending on the nature of the program evaluator’s respective background:
  • Academia: senior professor, either from Taiwan or abroad.
  • Industry:
    1. At least ten years of practical experience in the industry.
    2. With experience in administration and management.
  • Non-profit research and development institute: senior engineer or has held position equivalent to or higher than a section chief.
     Article 3
Accreditation team convener, co-convener, and chair must meet at least one of the following qualifications in addition to those stated in Article 2:
  • Having observed an on-site visit or been a discipline coordinator for a domestic evaluation project.
  • Having held department chair or above position at a university either in Taiwan or abroad and participated the accreditation affairs actively.
     Article 4
Accreditation team convener, co-convener, chair, and program evaluator are in charge of the actual execution of accreditation review; their responsibilities are:
  • Conducting each visit and interview according to the Accreditation Criteria.
  • Participating in the on-site visit in its entirety and according to the on-site visit itinerary.
  • Evaluating all supporting documents provided by the program under review.
  • The Exit Statement shall reflect program's actual merit and area for improvement; it shall be provided in written form, using language that is fair, reasonable, clear, succinct, and non-emotional, while complying with the IEET format.
  • Abiding scrupulously by the requirements of the Code of Ethics for Accreditation of Programs.
  • In addition to above, the accreditation team convener and co-convener are also charged with the following:
    1. Serving as representative of the accreditation teams;
    2. Gaining in-depth understanding of the effectiveness of the administration of the university and the college;
    3. Coordinating among the accreditation teams to ensure consistency in the review process and accreditation actions;
    4. Compiling observation statement about the university and the college in the related sections of the Accreditation Statement.
    5. Chairing the pre-departure meeting for the on-site visit.
  • Accreditation team chair is also charged with the following:
    1. Serving as the representative of the accreditation team for the program;
    2. Chairing the on-site visit of the program;
    3. Compiling the Accreditation Statement and Accreditation Action Recommendation.
  • In addition, the accreditation team convener, co-convener, and chair must attend and participate in the accreditation action meeting of the academic year they are appointed the position.
     Article 5 Qualified candidate who agrees to abide by the above may be nominated by the accreditation commission convener after signing the Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Agreement. The nomination shall be appointed upon approval of the Council chair.
     Article 6 This document and any revisions thereto shall be approved by the Council and promulgated for implementation by the Council Chair.