
Capstone course is a culminating course that allows students who are nearing graduation to integrate the knowledge, skills, and attitudes they have acquired in their program and apply those to a major design project. IEET requires that Capstone Course is a mandate and that programs under review must, via proper assessment with rubrics, use student outcomes of the course as evidence for compliance of criterion 3 (Graduate Attributes and Assessment).
For Washington Accord Programs
Criterion 4.1.2: Technical and professional engineering component must account for at least three eighths of the credits required for graduation including capstone design course.
For Sydney Accord Programs
Criterion 4.1.2: Engineering technology and professional component that train students to be proficient in engineering technology practice must account for at least three eighths of the credits required for graduation, including: 1. Capstone course and 2. Eight credits of at least 288 hours of lab or technical components (up to two credits and 72 hours of lab or technical components can be waived from internship courses that are consistent with the PEOs).
For Seoul Accord Programs
Criterion 4.1.2: Technical and professional computing component must account for at least three eighths of the credits required for graduation including capstone design course.